BioNordika offers an extensive selection of high-quality equipment and advanced instruments. Additionally, we provide a comprehensive array of plasticware to support your laboratory's daily operations.
Cell counting
Cell counting is an important quality control procedure in research. To increase accuracy and convenience, Logos Biosystems has developed a broad range of automated cell counters and slides for counting all types of cells and bacteria. In addition we also offer several cell counting reagents.
- LUNA-II Brightfield Cell Counter (available for demo)
- LUNA-FX7 Fluorescence Cell Counter (available for demo)
- LUNA-FL Fluorescence Cell Counter
- QUANTOM Tx™ Microbial Cell Counter
- Cell counting slides and reagents
The CELENA family of digital cell imaging systems capture high resolution cell images in the best quality. The CELENA fluorescent microscopes support a wide range of microscopy
applications from simple cell culture analysis to high content screening.
Microvolume spectrophotometers
Thermo Scientific NanoDrop instruments were the first micro volume UV-Vis spectrophotometers and fluorospectrometers designed specifically for the life science market and have fundamentally changed DNA, RNA and protein analysis. With more than 35000 instruments in laboratories worldwide, NanoDrop instruments have become the recognized standard for micro volume instrumentation.
- NanoDrop One / OneC (available for demo)
- NanoDrop Eight
- NanoDrop Lite Plus (available for demo)
- NanoDrop maintenance solutions